Monday, October 13, 2008

Title Song...

So, someone suggested to me that I consider blogging about my "adventures" in California/Seminary. I used to think that blogs were a little weird, especially when people blog what appear to be personal/private thoughts or feelings for the wide world to see. Then I realized that writing on a blog would be the easiest way to allow people to experience life with me. I had some cool and thought provoking experiences since being out here and wanted to be able to share them with people I know and love.

So, when I created this blog, It asked me for a "title" or "display name" or something to that effect. I had much trouble coming up with something creative yet fitting, but then I realized that the one thing that brought me out here to CA was passion. One of the reasons I've left my former profession and and am seeking something new is passion. I'm passionate about kids. I'm passionate about what makes them smile and what makes them cry. I'm passionate about walking with kids as they grow up and learn to live for Christ. So, I titled this "Not Without Passion" (which is not a play on a sally field movie), but it is in fact a way that I will never live my life. And I hope the same for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you lisa lockwood, thanks for lettin me in on ur life out there!!! i am so excited for you! and to learn vicariously the things you're learning, excited for me!