Monday, October 20, 2008

Little ones to him belong...

Last Friday, Fuller hosted a screening (that's what watching a movie is called in LA) of the documentary For The Bible Tells Me So. This film follows 5 families from religiously conservative upbringings who are all dealing with a homosexual child. It asks many of the questions regarding biblical mandates on homosexuality as well as old testament relevancy. It is very interesting to watch people who formerly did not have a personal relationship with someone who is a homosexual and outwardly dismissed it as an abomination deal with this quality in a loved one, particularly in the parent/child relationship. The film addressed issues such as the biological arguments for homosexuality as a quality, not a choice as well as "corrective therapy" intended to "cure" gays of their gayness. This film was very critical of Dr. James Dobsen and Focus on the Family. Many of the families came out to say how hurtful Dr. Dobsen has been in his preaching but how they bought into his radical opinions prior to having a gay child. Dobson's view is that one should never accept a gay loved one or tell them you'll continue to love them, because if you do, they'll think it's ok....Eventually they'll change. The film makers were unable to get an interview with any of the outspoken conservatives who are very passionate about this topic, specifically Dobson. Their theory is that Dr. Dobson's organization is about Focusing on Families, and this film is all about the families reaction to their gay child. There are, however, many talking heads on the liberal end of the spectrum, willing to talk about this issue. This, of course, makes the film very one-sided and, in fact, one of the only conservative views is expressed quickly by Fuller's president, Dr. Richard Mouw. It saddens me that people who are so willing to speak (publically mind you) regarding this issue, are unwilling to grant interviews with people who may disagree with them. This film also makes me continue to ask the question...What happend to Grace?
I do encourage anyone to see this film, no matter what side of the spectrum of opinions you fall. It's an important issue in our world today and you must be willing to hear all sides, be educated and be opwn to dialogue. go to to check screening dates. (It's playing in DC at the E street theater Oct 26-Nov 1, and in Pittsburgh at the Harris Theater which I believe is in Regent Sq. Jan 25-31...sorry to people who live in other cities, check the website for your city)

1 comment:

suzannah | the smitten word said...

this sounds really interesting, and i wasn't aware of dobson's postition. if that is a true representation, i don't know how he can reconcile that with the gospel of grace, as you suggest.

i feel like the whole "people choose to be gay" idea is such a cop-out. i don't think it's true, but i think it's a "safe" postition that prevents christians from asking tough questions, like, "why is homosexuality a sin, if people can't just choose to be straight?" or "why doesn't God (usually) change people who desperately desire to be straight?"

also, what kills me is when people insist that homosexualiy is a sin, when i think it's clear in scripture that homosexual sex is what is being talked about. the only thing a person can effect is their behavior--not their orientation, which i don't think in itself could be considered "sinful" if it isn't acted upon.

as long as i'm writing a book, another thing i'd like to learn more about what the word that is translated "homosexual" or
"homosexual offender" in the letters of Paul means in its original context, because i've heard the word is related to pederasty--which is when a man has sex with a young student he is mentoring. that exploitative situation is obviously a lot different than a same-sex consensual adult relationship.

all this to say that i don't think the issue of homosexuality and scripture is as clear-cut as we'd like it to be, and refusing to have these discussion with love (and a desire to be true to the whole of scripture) hurts the Church's witness to a broken world that is desperate for the good news of grace.

and on an entirely different note, a sushi roll costume is pretty much amazing:)