Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In Sickness And In Health

Thank you all for you prayers and support.  The wedding this weekend was one of the most beautiful and meaningful weddings I have ever been to.  I have to say that I've never thought so deeply about the words "in sickness and in health" until this wedding.   Here are some pics... 
These are my friends Jessica, Kenny and David.  They did all the music for the wedding and Adrianne and Nathan had no idea what would be played.  The music at the wedding was one of the things that made it so unique.  Kenny (middle) was also a groomsman and he selected all the music specifically for them.  She walked down the isle to "You're beautiful" by Phil Wickham and they walked out to the "Amen Chorus" followed by a surprise rendition of "I'm A Believer".  

Cookie Cake... enough said. 

Thank you all again for your continued prayers.  Adrianne goes in for surgery tomorrow to remove the tumor.  Also, she hasn't had a single headache since the diagnosis.

Also, here's a video re-cap of the wedding.  It's only about 13 minutes long.  It's through facebook so hopefully you can see it.